Village of Pomona Map boundaries

Village of Pomona Retaining Walls Information

2022 House of Worship Law

Short Term Rental Law


Please sign up to receive email notices of our events, meetings and general information by emailing clerk@pomonavillage.com


Recycling containers must be placed at the curb. Please consider the individuals picking up your garbage.

If there is no pickup on your recycling pickup day (on a holiday, for example). Please check with Village Hall for the make-up day (or check the calendar posted on the Village Website).

If you need recycling bins, come to Village Hall and pick up your free set!

All Village Recycling
Paper Commingled Containers
(Cans, Bottles, Foil etc.)
Friday Friday

Commingled Containers
All of the following items can be recycled:

Glass Bottles (green, clear, brown) Milk Containers
Aluminum Cans Juice Boxes
Tin & Bi-Metallic Containers (inc aerosol cans) Aluminum Foil (including pie plates)
Plastic Containers (labeled #1-7) Refrigerated and Frozen Food Containers

All of the following items can be recycled:

Newspaper Magazines and Catalogs
White Envelopes   Junk Mail (envelopes & coupons)
White & Colored Ledger Computer, Fax and Photocopy Paper
Soft Covered Workbooks Chipboard and Boxboard
Kraft Paper Telephone and Paperback Books