Village of Pomona Map boundaries

Village of Pomona Retaining Walls Information

2022 House of Worship Law

Short Term Rental Law


Please sign up to receive email notices of our events, meetings and general information by emailing clerk@pomonavillage.com

Property Tax

This notice is going out to the entire Village email list, but is only relevant for those residents who have not paid their Village Taxes that were due by July 1st.  If you have already paid your taxes, you may disregard this notice.

The first penalty period for tax payments ends on July 31st.  Taxes paid on or before July 31st incur a 5% penalty. This penalty rises to 6%, 7% and 8% for subsequent months during which taxes are not paid.  The last day you may make a late payment of your Village Taxes at Village Hall is October 31st.  On November 1st, collection of your Village Taxes becomes the responsibility of the County of Rockland and payments will need to be settled with the County.

Please see link below regarding your village property tax.
